Monday, September 2, 2013

Cisco Carrier Routing System

Cisco Carrier Routing System

Build the Foundation for the Next-Generation Internet

The Cisco Carrier Routing System (CRS-X) provides outstanding economical scale, IP and optical network convergence, and a proven architecture that's delivered 10 times the capacity over 10 years. It offers advanced services intelligence, an environmentally-aware design, and system longevity. Furthermore, the CRS-X uses Cisco IOS XR Software, a unique self-healing and distributed operating system.

Extending the Elastic Core

The Cisco CRS-X provides economical scale with IP and optical network convergence. (4:42 min)

CRS-X: Intelligence and Speed
Cisco Carrier Routing System powers some of the world's largest service provider networks. (58 sec)

Features and Capabilities
To deliver video, cloud, and mobile services effectively, service providers need to migrate their 10G network infrastructures to 100G and beyond. They also recognize the importance of scaling economically and quickly adapting to topology shifts.
What's the best way to do all this? With an elastic core that's intelligent, programmable, and scalable. An elastic core with the Cisco Carrier Routing System (CRS-X), which can:
  • Deliver continuous operations at 400 Gbps per slot
  • Offer industry-leading scale from a single chassis to a multi-chassis system
  • Support 100G speeds and beyond using programmable Cisco nLight Technology
  • Combine intelligent IP, lean core transit, and optical transport services
  • Improve network monetization through intelligent Layer 4-7 services

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